

AutoXpress Mail offers a suite of tried and tested mail pieces that deliver results. We take the guesswork out of designing new creative and writing content by giving you a program that works based on our 70+ years of experience. Our direct mail pieces are personalized to reflect the recipients hopes and dreams of purchasing a new car. The mailer can also help your sales team qualify the customer making the sales process easier and more efficient.

AutoXpress Mail Options:

We offer mail pieces to target your future customers. All of our mail pieces are available as inserted white envelope mail or snap packs that have the highest open rates. Below are a few examples:

Credit Redemption
Deals & Dollars
Finance Special
Trade In & Trade Up

We are confident that the auto sales generated from using our data and mail programs will result in your best direct mail ROI!

Simple Customized Direct Mail

AutoXpress Mail believes in making direct mail simple.  You simply select the mail piece that matches the prospects and data you want.  We then customize our proven mail pieces to include your dealership name, logo and contact details.  Once you have reviewed and approved the mail piece, we add the data and you enjoy the results.  It really is that simple. 
